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A Little Something To Do
Acclaim Silver
After Dark Miniatures - UK
Al Chandronnait
Alex Meiklejohn
Alexandra Cantatore - Italy
Alice Gegers - Netherlands
All Through The House
Amanda Skinner
Anderson Miniatures
Ann Richards
Artistic Florals
Avon Porcelain - UK
Barb Anderson
Barb Plevan - Canada
Barbara Brear - S Africa
Barbara Dezza - Italy
Barbara Hill
Barbara Wilson
Beate Porcelain - Au
Betsy Niederer
Bette Arcolle
Bette Chudy
Bo Press Miniatures
Brooke Tucker
Butt Hinge Pottery
By Barb
Carl Bronsdon - Carl's Miniat..
Carol Mann - UK
Carol Smith - UK
Carol Spence
Carolyn McVicker
Carolyn's Creations
Cat's Paw hardware
Cheryl Warder
Christina Goodman
Christine Lecoutre
Christopher Whitford - UK
Cinen - Italy
CJ's Miniatures
Clare Bell Brass
CNC Pottery
Colin's Creatures
Country Contrast- UK
Crickets & Caterpillars
Cristina Noriega - Spain
Cutest Things/Elissa Gillespi..
D' Design - Diane Persico
David Krupick
David Omer
Deb Canham
Deb Stenholm
Debra Rundle
Dieter Dorsch - Germany
Doll's Cobbler
Don Henry silver - Canada
Ed Sims
Elizabeth Chambers
Ella Ruelbach
Elle Piccolo dolls
Elsner & Gronow - Germany
English Kitchen
Ethel Hicks
Falcon Collectibles
Ferenc Albert
Fern Vasi
Found Objects Studio
Fred Cobbs
Gail Steffey
Gerd Felka - Germany
Ginger Wyatt
Glasscraft - UK
Glen Anderson
Gloria Bogulas
Hammer n' Smith
Hand & Heart
Harry Smith
Heather Stringer - UK
Herb Wallick Furniture
Hope Elliott
Horsfall Porcelain - UK
Hudson River
Isako Furuhashi - Japan
Itsy Bitsy Minis
Ivani Grande - Brazil
J. Getzan
J. Parker - UK
Jason Feltrope
Jean Day - Canada
Jeanetta Kendall
Jim Coates
Jim Pounder
Jo Parker
Joan Maher
Joel Axenroth
Jose Gomez - Spain
Joseph Addotta
Josephine Meyer
K. Lindsey
Karl Blindheim - Canada
Ken Byers - Shaker Works West
Kitchen Captive
Klauss Schultz - South Africa
Langlass - UK
Lara Copper - Australia
Laura Crain
LeCouteiur - Australia
Lenda Boswell
Lighting Bug
Linda Cummings - UK
Liz Fothergill - UK
Lola's Original
Loretta Galetta
Loretta Kasza
Lorraine Adinolfi
Lorraine Scuderi
Losi Anna - Italy
Luci Idovich
Ludwina - Turkey
Lumenations by Mr K
Lynn O'Shaugnessey
Lynn Whisenant
Maddie Gerig Shelly
Manuela Michieli - Italy
Marcia Poling
Marie Luce Pelletier - Canada
Marie Petrik
Mary Eccher
Mary Vander Dussen
Maureen Thomas
Mayberry Miniatures
McBay Miniatures
McQueenie - UK
Merry Gourmet - UK
Michael Mortimer - UK
Mike Barbour
Mike Sparrow - UK
Mini Blessings
Mini Ceations by Judy
Miniatures by Gloria
Miniscules - lighting
Montserrat Folch - Spain
Nancy Manders hats +
Nancy Quinby
Nantasy Fantasy
Neil Carter - UK
Nicholas Veeder
Olde Mountain Miniatures
Orsolya Skulteti - Hungary
Patrizia Santi - Italy
Patsy Mac
Paula Gilhooley flowers
Peggy Taylor wicker
Peter Acquisto silver
Porcelain Fantasies
Prestige Leather
Rachel Mundy - UK
Ray Storey - UK
Red Dragon Pottery
Reutter Porcelain
Rob Worthington fireplaces
Robert Olszewski
Roberta Solari - Italy
Robin Betterly
Ron Benson porcelain
Ron Soyden
Ron Stetkewicz Jr
Rugs By Grandma Doris
Ruth Stewart
Scaled Realm
Sharon Harbison
Silly Sisters - Netherlands
Silvia Cucchi - Italy
Silvia Leiner - Germany
Sir Thomas Thumb
Smaller Than Life
St Leger - UK
Standing People Design
Stapleton Porcelain
Stephen LaRocco
Steve Beebe
Steve Hilbert - UK
Sue Giordano
Sue Veeder
Sydnie Wagner
Syreeta's Miniatures
T & H Stringer - UK
Taller Targioni - Spain
Tarbena- Alan Barnes - UK
Taylor Jade
Tec Innovations
Terrence Stringer - UK
Terry Harville
The Glass People - France
The Hairy Potter - Craig Robe..
Tom Frey
Tony Jones
Tony Knott - UK
Twin Heart
Tya - Japan
Ulus, Jose Bolio - MX
Uncle Ciggie's
Valerie Casson - France
Vegas Airs
Veronique Cornish Porcelain -..
Victoria Fasken - UK
Victoria Heredia Guerbos - Sp..
Vilia Miniature - Italy
Vince Calano
Warling Miniatures
Warren Richardson
Warwick Miniatures - UK
Wendy Smale
Wild Hare
Wright Guide
Yesenia Slater